Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes – A New Hope of Strategy Games

Star Wars may have a lot of games but only a few of them come out on top like the recent The Fallen Order, the classic Battlefront II, and the memorable Knights of the Old Republic. However, there is also another game that fits into this group of iconic titles – and it’s free to play: Galaxy of Heroes. While it only came out on handheld devices as a free-to-play game, it still feels like a full game thanks to its generous content and gripping gameplay.

Mind you that this is from EA Games; and while they may be notorious for devious monetary placements in games, Galaxy of Heroes is quite friendly for free players.

Here are some of the reasons why.

All Heroes Are Useful

Keep in mind that Galaxy of Heroes has a gacha system where you can pull random characters ranging from Common to SSR (Super Super Rare). While it may be a very salty moment if you don’t get the character you want, all of them are powerful in the field as long as you invest your resources in them.

It doesn’t matter if you get Count Dooku or a Jedi Student – they all serve a purpose in the game.

Great Turn-based Gameplay

It may not be as superior as Knights of the Old Republic but it is a great turn-based strategy game. If you ever wanted to play Star Wars in more J-RPG-like gameplay, then Galaxy of Heroes does just that.

Scales From All Over The Episodes

While it does have its own original storyline, the whole game takes place all the way from Episode I to Episode IX. It definitely caters to all fans of whichever saga and it’s quite interesting to see Darth Vader, Rey, Mace Windu, and Jango Fett in one party. You only get to do so in this game – not even EA’s Battlefront II lets you do that.

Awesome Visuals

Despite its limited accessibility, the game looks impressive. It stays true to the source materials and has a good graphical fidelity thanks to the freeappsource engine.

Iconic Music And Sound Design

Everything you know and hear from the movies and TV shows all reprises their roles in Galaxy of Heroes. From the March of the Empire down to the sound of CIS blasters, the game showcases all the wonderful sights and sounds that made Star Wars… well, Star Wars.

Spoiled With Rewards

If there is anything else that Galaxy of Heroes does well, it’s providing you with lots of resources to keep you playing. Not only does it brim with content, but it gives you a lot of reasons to grind in events, stories, and use them to upgrade your heroes.

Active Developers And Fresh Updates

EA may not be everyone’s cup of tea but the developers behind this game do deserve recognition for keeping a game this old feel fresh and new every day for both long-time players and the fresh faces of the Galaxy.

About Leo Leo

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